Monday, 18 January 2016

National Bravery Awards

18th Jan, 2016

National Bravery Awards

Twenty five children – 3 girls and 22 boys – have been selected for the National Bravery Awards 2015. Two of the Awards have been given posthumously. 


The National Bravery Awards consist of five categories, which are listed below.
  1. The Bharat Award, since 1987
  2. The Sanjay Chopra Award, since 1978
  3. The Geeta Chopra Award, since 1978
  4. The Bapu Gaidhani Award, since 1988
  5. General National Bravery Awards, since 1957

The National Bravery Award Scheme was initiated by the ICCW (Indian Council of Child Welfare) to give due recognition to the children who distinguish themselves by performing outstanding deeds of bravery and meritorious service and to inspire other children to emulate their example. 

It was in 1957 that two children – a boy and a girl – were first rewarded for their presence of mind and courage. Since then ICCW decided to confer national awards on children every year. 

The awardees receive a medal, certificate and cash. Eligible awardees will be granted financial assistance until they complete their schooling. Some State Governments also provide financial assistance to them.

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